Friday, January 19, 2007

New Blog

I almost give up posting messages on my bigpond blog, it crashs almost every time when I try to publish something. Now I am with Google blog, I can write again. I am happy :) Now is school holiday, my kids are at home everyday. I am busy trying to settle Noah and entertaining Naomi and Anna at same time. Can't wait for the school holiday to be over. I felt bad can't bring Naomi and Anna out for movies and play in the parks, because Noah need three day sleeps. He can't sleep in the cot by himsel. I have been trying to hold him for him to go to sleep. I will need to hold him 4 to 6 hours or more.....I felt so tired somtimes.....This is motherhood. I am still happy to be a mum espeicially to see my children grow up....... I often lost temper and angry at them when I am tired, they always loving and forgiving towards me.

1 comment:

chennyth said...

i'm the first one to comment on your new blog hehehe :)

mother is superwoman! i'm always amazed at how women (eventhough in life seems to be weak, etc) can be that super when it comes to looking after children.

btw, if you are a regular blog reader, i'd like to recommended written by 4 christian women.

they talk alot about Biblical Womanhood, and because all of them are mothers, they talk a lot about raising children as well.

as Christians we are very privilege to be in God's family. and in His BIG family, there are those more mature ones from which we the younger ones can learn from.

i'm not (yet) a wife not a mother, but i quite enjoy reading their posts on being Christian wife and mother.

ok, enough babbling from me :)